Come on brain, bite my lip.

Milliseconds-of-time is all we have to choke back that glaring faux par. That’s a tribute the power and […]

Give your brain a break

We all want to be at our cognitive best, to work at our best. But working dam hard […]

Six sure-fire ways to proof-read your own work

Six sure-fire ways to check your own work

Proofreading is a science, so it needs a system. We all miss typos or mistakes in our own […]

Refreshing our screen-soaked minds

Our lives are so enriched and reliant on them. So much so that we spend more time in […]

Sleep’s powerful influence on learning

Our brain is almost unbelievably active when we’re asleep. “It’s possible that the reason we need to sleep […]

‘What’s in it for me?’ learners

Adult learners are most engaged when the information and ideas  solve problems they’re presently faced with. Motivation is […]

Interviewing tips

Do you need to interview someone in person for an article or project? Here are some quick tips […]